Monday, October 09, 2006

Soccer Mom

My son is in a soccer program offered by the Boy Scouts. A Hispanic outreach program. I wasn't sure about letting him participate at first. But I decided to give it a chance, and so far, it's been a positive experience. No religious indoctrination whatsoever. Only patriotism indoctrination. Is that even a term?

On Friday nights, he plays soccer for 2/3 of the practice, and for the other third, he does some sort of Boy Scout activity. This past week, they learned how to fold the flag. They were also told about how great they have it, living in the United States. I kinda don't mind telling my kids things like this. Because I think it's true. There might be a lot wrong here, but there's a whole lot that's right as well.

Saturday night is game night. The kids show up and get assigned to a team, so that the same players aren't always on the same team and the kids get to interact with more people. When you sign in, you're given a card with the name of the team you'll play with. Last weekend, Tripp was assigned to the Squirrels, so we went off in search of his team mates.

The lady holding the sign most likely did not write the team name on it. She's a parent volunteer, chosen because she showed up with her kid first. She has to serve as coach to a group of 6 year old boys. Some of whom are likely to not speak her primary language. Her main job is to keep the kids waiting their turn off the field and away from the ball. Also preferably out of the net, but she wasn't completely successful with that one. At the end of the game, one net was at least 5 feet further to the left than it started. Bet she won't be early again. That'll teach her.

So it's official. I am now a soccer mom. Maybe someday soon I'll tell you something about my daughter's soccer/poetry program.


Anonymous said...

when are you going shopping for your minivan or extra large SUV?

Anonymous said...

hey now, don't be dissing the minivan! Lots of room to be hit'n it!

Angel said...

I too, am a soccer mom, for 12 freakin years. My son is a senior and then I become just Football Mom....whatever will I do with all that free time?