Tuesday, May 02, 2006

WTF is a meme?

According to a little devyl, I should answer these questions and post them in my blog. Since I always do exactly as I'm told, here it is.

1. What is the dish you take to every potluck?
Turtle Pie

2. Have you ever seen or felt a ghost, angel, spirit, or some sort of other-worldy being?
While sober? No.

3. Would you rather never workout again and be skinny forever or be able to work out whenever you wanted to and be a little overweight?
Is this for real? Anything that involves never working out is my choice.

4. What is the hardest thing you think you've experienced so far?
The following conversation.....
Megan: So, you don't love daddy anymore?
Me: No, I don't.
Megan: And you don't love Fred anymore? (Note: He was the first boyfriend after my divorce)
Me: No.
Megan: Are you always going to love me?

5. Do you like Snoopy or Woodstock better?

6. Can you talk and eat at the same time? And if so, can people understand you?
That's just bad manners.

7. If you could be good at any profession, which would you choose and why?
Probably computer programmer, since that's what I get paid to do.

8. Would you rather be a Playboy bunny or a Hooters girl?
Playboy bunny. Who wouldn't want to wear furry ears and tail?

9. Peanut butter - crunchy or smooth?

10. Bad boys, frat boys, intellectuals or dorks?
Intellectual bad boys.

11. Name 6 people, alive or dead, you'd like to invite to dinner.
I'm thinking that inviting dead people to dinner would make for a stinky dinner party.

12. This is a two parter, and be truthful – when you are by yourself, do you get a 6 inch or a 12 inch sandwich from Subway? How about when you are with your friends?
Depends on how hungry I am. For both questions.

13. What was the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you?
I can't remember my sister ever doing anything particularly bad to me.

14. Location of the best sex you've ever had?
Genital area.

15. Oddest place you've ever had sex?
Which are the even places?

16. If you were super drunk, and REALLY had to pee, but all the toilets were being used, would you consider alternate receptacles, i.e. the mens, outside, a sink?
Hell yes.

17. If you had to pick, classical or jazz?

18. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Bacon and Tomato.

19. Ever flirted with a friend's significant other?
Not seriously.

20. What was the blog site or blog post that began your interest in blogging? Please add the site name and link to specific post if possible for completely entertainment purposes.

21. Have you ever eaten a whole bag of marshmallows?

22. Last time you drank so much that you had to throw up?
It's been a few months. And I don't think Vince has cleaned the bathroom yet.

23. Do you have a stupid human trick you can do if you ever get on Dave Letterman? And do tell, if so!
I don't think so.

24. Describe your perfect day.
Hanging out on a beach somewhere warm. With warm water. Not ice cold Pacific NW water. The margaritas are allowed to be cold, though.

25. Do you think the concept of a single best friend is outdated and unrealistic?
Pretty much, yeah

26. What about the idea of one true love?
One at a time, maybe.

27. One of your favorite memories of all time?
I forgot.

28. What is your least favorite physical feature about yourself?

29. What's your most favorite?

30. If you had one wish for making the world a better place, what would it be?
I'd wish that everyone could truly be open-minded. Not just open-minded when they basically agree already.

31. What traits, good and bad, from your family do you posses?
I have my mother's budgeting ability (this would be bad.) I also have a sarcastic tendency, like everyone else in my family. I'm not sure if this is good or bad.

32. When was the last time you played a board game, which one, and with whom?
Scrabble...within the past month...with Megan.

33. Name some person/place/thing currently that infuriates you
I'm not all that infuriated right now. But I was pretty pissed at the people who live upstairs earlier today.

34. Name some person/place/thing currently that makes you happy, deliriously or otherwise (besides your boyfriend/spouse/fiance girls)
Sitting on the porch in the afternoon watching the kids play makes me happy.

35. Ever been in a car accident? If so, how many and spill the details.
Lots. Only one was memorable, though. I'd had my car for less than a month and some dumb ass rear-ended me while I was stopped at a red light.

36. What's your favorite word?


Miss Devylish said...

You just think you're so funny.. doncha..? ;)

lady miss marquise said...

This made me laugh.

But what is turtle pie?

*looks concerned at thought of little turtles in a pie*

Wendy said...

No actual turtles are harmed in the making of turtle pie. Or at least I assume that, since I've never actually read the box to see if they use that disclaimer. But it's FANTASTIC. Chocolate and caramel and cheesecake and now I'm hungry.

Kara said...

ugh, >------> HATES meme's....