Monday, February 05, 2007


This weekend, we went to a rustic cabin up in the mountains. Beautiful scenery, lots of pretty snow, a river/creek running behind the cabin. Very nice. Except for the whole bit about "no running water" and "generator provided electricity." And did I mention the Honey Bucket in the yard? The ever-so-close-to-overflowing Honey Bucket? Oh, and the snow? Which means that it was really cold out in the Honey Bucket?

Actually, it was an enjoyable trip. Lots of laziness and even more drunkeness. And a few minor injuries. None of which happened to me, so even those were enjoyable. To me.

Also, there was a potato gun. Maybe not so much of a gun as a cannon. This thing was HUGE and could shoot a potato pretty freaking far. When I first heard them talking about shooting the potato gun later, I had an image in my mind of one of those tiny little guns that you see in the toy department at Fred Meyer. I thought it was odd that the guys were getting so excited about a crap toy like that...but then I remembered how long the fart machine kept these guys entertained, so it sorta made sense. The potato gun was not tiny. It was mad out of PVC pipe and used Aqua Net as the ignition source. I really wish I'd taken a camera. I'd like to have gotten a picture of the potato well as the liquor storage area. Which was a drift of snow/ice roughly 3 feet high that covered most of the deck area.

1 comment:

Seun said...

Let's not forget about the UW drinking team stipper! He was CALIENTE! Something about having to wake up the person that's puking in bed is ZZZZZZexy!!

Note to self: Don't let 21 year old machismo UW students drink 6 shots of jager in a row.