Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Vince's brother was kind enough to offer to take the kids for a few days while they're out of school for mid-winter break. It's odd to be home alone. I like it. Do you know what I just did? I went to 7/11 for some smokes and a juice. You know, because I'm trying to be all healthy and shit how. Anyway, I just WENT. No arguing with anyone. No searching for shoes. No fighting over who gets to lock the front door and unlock the car. No begging to listen to rap music on the drive there. No fighting over who gets to talk to me. Just silence. And a quick trip to the store. I'd forgotten that you can go anywhere in under 30 minutes.

1 comment:

Miss Devylish said...

I'm concerned you might get used to this.. and leave the kids at 7/11 one day.. just forget them. Hm.. it's a thought. ;)