Monday, September 11, 2006

Improve the Workplace

In a meeting a couple of weeks ago, our boss told us that we need to come to work a little more regularly. It seems that the higher level management has been wandering around the building, just to see who is at work. They do this around 5 on Fridays, I believe. Anyway, our boss suggested that we actually BE at work for the hours we claim on our timecard. The following day, there was another meeting, during which the higher level management covered timecards again, implying that we might have to start punching a clock, rather than being trusted to keep track of our working hours on our own.

Today, our boss sent out an email asking for suggestions on how to improve staff retention and employee morale. I think that my suggestion might be "How about you back off that whole attendance thing a little?"


Anonymous said...

and alcohol...lots of alcohol!

Miss Devylish said...

and trips to vegas!