Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Last night, Vince was filling in the calendar with his opera stuff for the next several months. He stopped suddenly and the following conversation took place.

Vince: Honey....I'm very sorry, but I have to work on the Vernal Equinox.

Me: Oh no! But that's a major holiday for me. You're not going to be upset if we do the naked goat dance without you are you?

Vince: I would be upset with that whether I were here or not.

Me: Oh. Fine, then. No naked goat dance.

Vince: Looks like I'll also be working on Easter Monday.

Me: You know, we generally do the naked goat dance then, too.


Anonymous said...

you 2 are soulmates!

Miss Devylish said...

Naked, you AND Vince are 3 things I didn't need combined.. thank you so very much for the unneeded visual.