Monday, March 05, 2007

Yard Work

This weekend, we did yard work. I worked both Saturday and Sunday. Well, on Saturday, by "work", I mean that I stood around and pointed at limbs that I wanted Vince to cut off a tree. But on Sunday...OMG...on Sunday, I worked. I pulled up a small tree, I hoed the hell out of a patch of ground roughly 8 feet square, and I used that little claw looking thingy to try to regain control of the gravel path along the north edge of the back yard. I worked until my hands wouldn't grip anymore. I worked until I actually understood the term "bone weary." I worked until I couldn't anymore, then I went inside for a glass of water. I had to use both hands to drink it. My hands were shaking. And do you know how the yard looks now? About the same as it did before I started. Only now there yard waste bin, the wheelbarrow and two 5 gallon buckets are full of grass, plants and bits of tree. Anyone know how much it would cost to hire a gardener to do this crap?

1 comment:

Kara said...

seems it always works that