Friday, March 16, 2007

Growing Pains

Yesterday was pajama day at the kids' school. Tripp loves footie pajamas, so he choose to wear those. Much to his surprise (but no one else's,) the other kids in his class do not share his love of pajamas with feet. The first thing he said when he got into the car was "Mama! The other kids laughed at me today!" Evidently, one friend even went so far as to try to get Tripp in enough trouble to be sent to the principal's that more kids could see Tripp's poor choice of night clothes. I told him that he shouldn't let other people dictate how he dresses. He rolled his eyes at me.

Megan also had an unpleasant experience at school yesterday, but hers was second hand. Evidently one of her friends has started menstruating. At age 10. I guess that's not particularly shocking. One of my friends had her first period when we were in 4th grade. Megan said that the girl cried, because the blood scared her. I managed to not respond with "If you really want to see crying, just wait until one of your friends misses a period."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one, Linda!