Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Cleanup Crew

Right now, Vince and the kids are out back, picking up all the debris from the bathroom project. All the random pieces of wood and leftover tile pieces. Which is lying along the walkway and in the bark covered area under the deck. I was just down there doing laundry, and through the window I could see and hear them. Vince was out there trying to explain to Tripp what should be picked up and what should be left. Tripp was standing there with a small piece of wood in each hand. Vince said "Ok, wood needs to be put into the wheelbarrow. Rocks and bark don't need to be put in the wheelbarrow." Tripp responded with "Ok!" and immediately threw down the wood he had in his hand. Vince asked, "Why did you throw those back down? They need to be in the wheelbarrow." At that point, I decided to come back upstairs and blog. This shit is a whole lot funnier when it happens to someone else.

1 comment:

Miss Devylish said...

Ha ha.. awesome!